Slatington firearms instructor Maureen “Mo” Gyory was among the Lehigh Valley residents who attended the January 6th Capitol riot in Washington, DC. Gyory is employed by Relic Hunter Firing Line; a fascist-owned gun shop and hot spot for far-Right political organizing in the Lehigh Valley. She travelled on Relic Hunter’s chartered bus to the violent event that, so far, has caused the death of five people. Gyory demonstrated her violent intentions for J6 in a December 26th Facebook post featuring a photo of her husband Thomas Gyory posing in full camo and holding a muzzleloader rifle. Paired with the photo is the text, “Practicing for the Jan. 6th Revolution.”
Maureen Gyory followed through. On January 6th, 2021, Gyory shared a video on her Facebook account that clearly places her on Capitol grounds in the moments leading up to the mob’s violent attack on the Capitol building. The video can be viewed below:
“Mo” Gyory and her husband Thomas Gyory are Lehigh Valley Tea Party (LVTP) organizers. Both are listed as Board Members of the right-wing political group, with their terms ending in March of 2021. The Tea Party came to prominence in 2009 as a reaction to the Obama presidency. At the time, the media presented it as a sort of looney right-libertarian, anti-tax movement. This narrative served to conceal the dark underbelly of racism, coded antisemitism, and anti-muslim bigotry that were key elements of the movement’s ideology.
For years, “Mo” has organized with both the LVTP and Relic Hunter, mostly around 2A issues. CROH recognizes the importance of armed self and community defense, especially among BIPOC communities. That said, the 2A message delivered by Gyory, Relic Hunter, and the Tea Party and Patriot movements more widely is not defensive, but rather violent in manner. Whenever a political enemy is murdered, the response is to celebrate and venerate the murderer. Gyory demonstrates this below in a November 20th Facebook post — a screen capture from the Twitter account of former Trump lawyer and Qanon conspiracy theorist Lin Wood. The post celebrates the bail-out of Kyle Rittenhouse, who was charged at age 17 for transporting a rifle he did not legally own across state lines and using it to murder two BLM protestors.

While “Mo” Gyory claims that she left before the mob “stormed the Capitol” on J6, she did confirm that her friends were successful in breaching the Capitol building and disrupting the electoral vote count. We look forward to identifying which friends Gyory is talking about.
Maureen “Mo” Gyory has been organizing in the Lehigh Valley’s far-Right political scene for years. She is a core Lehigh Valley Tea Party organizer, and flirts closely with the neo-fascist Patriot movement. She traveled to DC with a fascist-owned gun shop for “Revolution.” Once there, she strengthened the “Revolution” with her attendance, while her friends did the dirty work and broke into the Capitol building itself. For these reasons — in the interest of community safety — we have compiled the information below.
Name: Maureen Teresa Gyory
Alias: “Mo”
DOB: 10-31-1961 (age 59 at time of writing)
Address: 2075 Red Hill Road, Slatington, PA
Home Phone: (610) 767-1893
Mobile Phone: (610) 730-9319
Employment: Firearms Instructor at Relic Hunter Firing Line (Coplay, PA)
Employment: Public Relations & Staff Coordinator at Lehigh Dental (Catasaqua, PA)
(note: Husband Thomas Gyory is a Dentist/owner at this practice)
Positions Held: Board Member at Lehigh Valley Tea Party
Political Affiliations: Tea Party, Patriot Movement
Criminal Record:
Charged June 29, 2009 in Turbot Township, PA
-Driving under the influence of alcohol
-Driving under the influence of narcotics
-Driving on roadways laned for traffic
-Careless driving
-BAC .308 (nearly quadruple the legal limit) & positive test for narcotics
Mo’s Socials:
Lehigh Dental:
(610) 266-0466
223 Eugene St, Catasauqua, PA 18032 (inactive)
More photos of “Mo”: